City of Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, CA

The City of Beverly Hills is located in LA County, and is the home to over 35,000 residents including many Hollywood stars.

Exante360 Contribution
Exante360 performed a fire alarm assessment for the City's police station and public library. Using our findings as a baseline, Exante360 developed standard design criteria that can be applied to future deployments to ensure the City is in compliance with applicable codes and regulations.
Benefit to the Client
Exante360 assisted the City to clearly define the scope for a design-build project. This in turn aided the City with the procurement process of obtaining proposals prior to submitting for permits. Exante360 has been retained as an on-call consultant for the City, having proven to be a valuable resource with the ability to provide accurate responses to fire alarm code related questions.
Operations Perspective
During the project, questions arose around whether or not the contractor was installing the correct equipment for this design. Our assessment confirmed with the City that the fire alarm installation adhered to the project's design and that it was following applicable codes.
464 N Rexford Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Fire Alarm Assessment