Metropolitan Water District
Los Angeles, CA
The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) provides water for 26-member public agencies to deliver - either directly or through their sub-agencies - to nearly 19 million people living in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Ventura counties. To supply its service area with reliable and safe water, Metropolitan owns and operates an extensive water system including: the Colorado River Aqueduct, 16 hydroelectric facilities, nine reservoirs, 819 miles of large-scale pipes, and five water treatment plants. Four of these treatment plants are among the 10 largest plants in the world.
Exante360 Contribution
MWD contracted Exante360 to develop a security technology strategy and plan based on site assessments and our findings. We surveyed eight “typical” facilities located throughout the region. They were focused primarily on the video surveillance systems, however, site conditions and environmental factors were also taken into consideration. In addition, Exante360 certified consultants conducted stakeholder interviews to gather relevant information that would contribute to the further development of the security program.
Benefit to the Client
Exante360's research culminated in a Findings & Recommendations report and Executive presentation that included statistical information, commentary on site conditions, budgetary estimates, and ideas to help bolster MWD’s security stance.
Operations Perspective
The Exante360 assessment team found that many of the potential security risks facing MWD are common to critical infrastructure facilities across the country, regardless of their physical footprints or surrounding neighborhoods. These risks can be collectively categorized as the challenge of protecting critical infrastructure, and society in general from threats as well as ensuring continuous, un-interrupted service of a significant basic need. Apart from generalized threats, Exante360’s recommendations needed to address security and safety challenges that are attributable only in part to the unique geographical location of each of its facilities and to the depth of their primary function. Specifically:
- MWD’s facilities incorporate many buildings of diverse designs, sizes, and functions where generational changes in the technology that is deployed needed to be addressed.
- Traditional passive protective measures such as clear exterior and interior sight lines, unobstructed pathways, and balanced lighting are complicated by the gradual evolution of the facilities in a variety of urban and suburban environments.
- Some of the facilities are in densely populated and heavily traveled areas, interlaced with vehicle traffic, and easily accessible by public transportation. Others are located in remote areas surrounded by large undeveloped land with dense trees and foliage.
700 North Alameda Street Los Angeles, Ca 90012
Video surveillance, intrusion, environmental conditions